Game Windows Phone Rekomendasi : Royal Revolt!

Royal revolt!
Royal Revolt!

Anda menyukai game perang zaman dahulu, perang antar Kerajaan? Tetapi anda khawatir banyak "violence"? Tenang. Game ini tidak mengandung unsur Violence. ingin mencoba?

Game ini berlatar pada perebutan kerajaan, dimana seorang pangeran diusir oleh kerajaannya, dan ia ingin merebut kembali kerajaannya.

Penasaran? mari lihat screenshot berikut :

Royal revolt!
Start Menu
Royal revolt!

Royal revolt!
anda juga bisa meng-upgrade pasukan anda, biar semakin kuat!
berikut ini dekripsi dari developer Royal Revolt!, flaregames GmbH :

Royal Revolt is a brand new reverse T-defense game for Windows Phones with 
beautiful 3D graphics and intuitive touch control! Lead your soldiers to victory against your greedy relatives
who have stolen your father’s throne. 

★★★★★ How to play ★★★★★ 
• Use the simple touch and/or mouse controls to direct your troops 
• Employ battle magic to heal, stun or destroy 
• Upgrade your hero, knights and spells 
• Conquer all 58 castles to become King 

★★★★★ The story so far ★★★★★ 
You are a young Prince, sent by your father to learn magic at Bogsmarts,
a boarding school for the spoilt and untalented aristocrat youth. 

When you return after two years with a B.A. in Petty Magic, all has changed in your father’s land: 
Your father has died and your ugly aunts and uncles have carved up the Kingdom among them.
You throw a tantrum, but to no avail: your relatives suggest you go back to school and leave politics 
to the grown-ups.
Menarik? anda bisa mendownloadnya melalui link berikut : Download Royal Revolt! di store. 
Atau scan QR code dibawah ini : 

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